Shore Islamic
The Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Whoever builds a Masjid for the sake of Allah, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise"
Our Islamic Centre will provide

A larger facility
To support 1,500 people for daily and Friday prayers

The centre will hold
on a regular basis Quran and Arabic school and large Islamic educational conferences and seminars

Social & lifestyle
The community centre would have facilities to host activities like Sports, Social Gatherings, Workshops and Senior Citizens Activities.
A message from the North Shore Islamic Association
The North Shore Islamic Association is aiming to establish an Islamic Community Centre to accommodate for the needs of the rapidly growing Muslim community of the North Shore in Auckland, New Zealand.
This includes a large prayer hall to support 1,500 worshippers during the 5 daily prayers, Jummah and Taraweeh prayers; an Islamic educational institution for Muslims and non-Muslims; and a Da’wah Centre to facilitate for the increasing demands to know, learn and study more about Islam. Services that are of pressing need to the Muslims in New Zealand will also be provided such as matrimony and revert support.
We highly appreciate your support and contribution, may ALLAH accept all your good deeds and grant you the highest grade in Jannah.
Our planned centre

What projects will the NSIA be undertaking in the new Islamic Centre?1. Large masjid prayer hall that can accomodate both the Friday and daily prayers 2. Large car park space that fits 150 cars 3. Quran and Arabic school 4. Islamic seminars and conferences 5. Youth development and recreational facilities 6. Senior Muslim care and integration activities 7. Islamic propagation efforts (da’wah) and community dialogue 8. Matrimonial nikkah service and professional counselling services 9. Islamic library and resource centre.
Where is the current North Shore Islamic Association Centre located?The current Centre is located at 58 Akoranga Drive, Northcote, Auckland, New Zealand 0627.
Have you purchased a piece of land or building yet?No, we have not. We are continuously previewing and scoping out potential properties.
What will my donation be used for?100% of your donations go towards the purchase or construction of our future Islamic Centre. NSIA covers its administrative and internal operations costs via private fundraising.
Is my donation tax-deductible?All donations are tax-deductible. The NSIA is a registered charity organisation (CC55952). IRD number: 126-484-496.
What is your target?Our target is $5 Million NZD, but this figure is subject to change depending on the outcome of the property we end up purchasing
What is NSIA’s private data policy?NSIA does not share, sell or exchange our donors private information with anyone.
What are your bank account details?Bank account name: NORTH SHORE ISLAMIC ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED IBAN/Bank account number: 12-3072-0015272-00 BSB/Sort code: 12-3072 Swift code: ASBBNZ2A